We announce that we have started to develop as AKILLI BULUT A.Ş

We waited a long time for it to be open source. I’m happy for that right now. We started developing ComputeStacks. @kerimcan works full time on this subject in our company.

The Vagrant image works. However, it requires high resources. That’s why we develop on virtual machines instead of laptops. If you are also interested in developing ComputeStacks, we can provide you virtual machines with 8 cores and 64gb memory for free! We can also give a public ip subnet too. We want to contribute to ComputeStacks as a community member as much as we can do.

As a roadmap, we have goals to update the ruby version and the rails version, and to integrate them with other payment platforms instead of whmcs. I hope @kwatson guides us for the features needed more in future.


Hello, thank you for your contributions to the project!

Just as an FYI – if you check out the dev branch of ComputeStacks, you’ll see that we’re on the latest version of ruby (3.1) and rails.

I look forward to your contributions!